For more than 10 years, Banco General has been measuring its carbon footprint and has worked on different initiatives to reduce it, thanks to a specialized team and important investments.
In 2021, Banco General joined the “Reduce Tu Huella Corporativo (RTH Corporativo)” program, the first voluntary government initiative for the management of carbon and water footprints of organizations in the Republic of Panama. This program has established a standardized process to identify, calculate, report, and verify the carbon and water footprint within the operational limits of public, private, and civil society organizations that are legally registered in Panama.
What is our commitment for 2025?
What is our commitment for 2025?
To reduce our carbon footprint by 33% Scope 1 & 2
To reduce our carbon footprint by 33% Scope 1 & 2
*Percentage includes estimated 2023 carbon footprint figure; It may vary when this figure changes.
What have we done to reduce our footprint?
What have we done to reduce our footprint?
Solar panel installation
22 branches &
Capacity installed: 2279 KWh
LED lights installation
90% of branches
and 60% of departments
Reduction: 134 CO2 ton per year
Efficient A/C unit installation
90% of our A/C units are efficient
Reduction: 450 CO2 ton per year
Remote controllers
10 branches with measurers controlled from our headquarters